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Smolyaninov, who left Russia, had his bank accounts blocked

Smolyaninov, who left Russia, had his bank accounts blocked

Foreign agent Artur Smolyaninov (included in the list of foreign agents by the Russian Ministry of Justice) had his bank accounts blocked, the Telegram channel Mash reports. According to journalists, the actor who left did not submit a tax return.

The channel specified that 38 enforcement proceedings for 216 thousand rubles have been opened against Smolyaninov. Among them is a fine in the case of discrediting the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in the amount of 30 thousand rubles, 101 thousand rubles of debt for overdue loans and fines for violating traffic rules.

Earlier it became known that the country where actor Artur Smolyaninov is hiding refused Russia legal assistance. The artist was arrested in absentia in a criminal case on fakes about the army and incitement to hatred. Russian investigators addressed the request to the foreign state.

Before that, Smolyaninov was caught on video giving a performance in the lobby of a European hotel. In the summer, the actor performed for a foreign audience and was criticized by Internet users. They noted that the artist looked like a "hungry beggar" and the audience did not pay attention to his show.

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