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Artificial Intelligence: Where does AI get its inspiration to create a song?

Artificial Intelligence: Where does AI get its inspiration to create a song?

Reading time: 1min - video: 3min
Today, anyone can compose or rather ask artificial intelligence (AI) to do so. But to create songs, AI is inspired by other people's songs on the Internet.

Today, it is possible to write a song without being a musician, without a guitar and without a piano, but with a computer and an artificial intelligence tool. All you have to do is give the AI ​​a few basic instructions: a theme, a tone or even a style. The AI ​​will then compose a song, write lyrics and even generate a digital voice to interpret them. This could revolutionize the world of music. AI is becoming commonplace there, it may already be in your ears.

Among professionals, one in three music authors admit to having already used it. The musician DeLaurentis already uses it. In her latest album, AI is everywhere. It is not heard, but that day, for example, she is composing with four hands thanks to an AI. The tool serves as a luxury assistant and it is a new source of inspiration.

Watch the full report in the video above.

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